I had such a fun time brainstorming for this party. Figuring out what we should create for the actual reveal was so much harder than we expected, because we loved so many of the options we had come up with. (I think the runner up was a puppet popping out from a warp pipe, done with hydraulics.)
The male/female pairing in Super Mario Bros is Mario and Princess Peach, but their colors of red and pink weren't different enough for the color scheme I wanted (and I've always liked Luigi better), so we decided on green and pink.
I had some brick fabric on hand, so I cut a large strip and sketched out a question block. (You could print out an image of the question mark and use it as a stencil. I hand-sketched, but a stencil would have made it so much easier.)
I let it dry and went over it again, probably about three layers of each color. The nice thing is it is just yellow, white and black. Easy peasy.
My delightful husband took the initiative to use up some thin foam we had lying about, and using an image of a Koopa shell on his phone as a guide, he drew up, cut out and painted these Koopa shells for our walls. He is delightful.
I tried to sketch out some of the cloud shapes (which, fun fact, are the same as the shrubbery, just a different color), and cut it out of thin posterboard.
As part of the photo back drop as well as something silly to help people get in the mood of the world I created, I decided to quickly make up some Princess Peach crowns. Yellow card stock, beautiful metallic blue and beautiful metallic red craft paint.
I sketched out a simple zig-zag pattern and made sure to leave an extra little lip on one end.
I was pleased with them, but if I had put a little more time into them I would have added a few dimensional details (like a thin black outline and thin white crescent on the jewels).
We decided punch a question block (like good ol' Mario and Luigi themselves) for the actual reveal. I had a roll of butcher paper, so I used it, but spray painting the box itself would probably have been way easier, faster, etc. But I had a blast and was delighted with the result, and that's all that matters, right?
I hand sketched a question mark, cut it out and used it as a stencil so all four sides would be as close to identical as I could get them.
White question mark, yellow everywhere else, black dimension lines, black (I used copper) screws in the four corners. As far as crafts go, it's pretty self-explanatory, but is immediately recognizable.
The bottom was cut off and fabric was across it. The top was loose. It was filled with balloons and confetti and leis. The contents were a surprise for us, I handed the painted box off to my absolutely wonderful sister-in-law, so I don't know the exact way the inside was done. There was a little post or something that we had to hit so it popped the top open.
It was such a delightful reveal of who was joining our little family. The green confetti fell and the green balloons flew and it was all so lovely.
My sister-in-law then handed out green suckers for all the party attendees. (I loved this special surprise touch.)
The photo backdrop was a fun spot. The coins are printed out and cut out. I printed them in grayscale and used 4 different colors of yellow/tan/brown markers to create the dimension. You could easily just print them in color, if you don't mind using that much toner. (Or have them printed elsewhere.)
The best part of the photo backdrop is we have been able to reuse it to decorate our son's nursery.
I put the coins in a line all around the room. During a previous Super Mario Bros party I used fishing line to string them across the party area. Both techniques are fun.
The cupcakes had pink and green frosting and mustache picks as toppers. The napkins were pink with mustaches on them. The pink and green party bags were filled with green apple suckers and watermelon salt water taffy.
We served ham and cheese sliders and various side dishes. For dessert we presented Princess Peach Cobbler Trifle.
So much fun.
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