I have loved Valentine's Day for as long as I can remember. I remember waking up early to decorate the box I'd put on my desk to collect valentines from classmates. Getting to stop doing classwork and just have a party was the best thing ever. Pink and red and glitter and hearts and kisses? These are my favorite things. When I was in junior high and high school my dad brought my sisters and me flowers we got to carry around at school. More recently I have made an effort to bring flowers or a little flowering plant to all of my coworkers on Valentine's Day. Spreading my joy of this holiday makes me happy. This wreath is a quick and inexpensive way to bring a little Valentine's Day joy to your home. All you need: metal wreath form (available at Dollar Tree) crepe paper ribbon glue hot glue I made two sizes of crepe paper rosettes, the larger in the darker pink, the smaller in the lighter pink. For the larger ones I tore a strip of crep...